CEF Press

Jesus: God of Power & Glory

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Jesus is all-powerful. Through this six lesson series you will display for the children the power and glory of Jesus.

Lessons cover the teachings of Jesus:

  • Jesus calming the storm
  • Jesus feeding the 5,000
  • Jesus offering hope to a Samaritan Leper
  • Jesus revealing His great plan to His disciples through the transfiguration
  • Penguin review lesson

Using these lessons you will show the children how our all-powerful Savior has made a way for them to be forgiven and have a relationship with Him.

Resource pack includes:
- Visualized Bible verse booklet
- Word-up booklet
- Attributes of Jesus poster
- Bible time line and map additions
- Resource sheets
- Bookmark sheet reproducible
- Additional lesson reproducible sheet
- Mission story Angie Goes West (new visuals for story on Angie Garber).